Friday, January 23, 2015

Setting Up Shop

Etsy shop, that is.
Or artfire (does that still exist?), or Zibbet, or a website, or a booth at a Farmers Market.
Let's talk shop! 

Many don't know that before I was The Fine Lime, I had a crochet shop.  I named it Mo & Ozzy Creative Crochet Hats.  My seldom-used nickname is Mo, Mr. Lime's is Ozzy.  Oh, I thought I was so cute!  And I wanted to include crochet and hats in my name, you know, for Google and stuff.
Maybe not.
You see, it wasn't long before I was making a lot of things OTHER than hats.  And I was learning to knit.  So now what?  And no one could remember Mo & Ozzy.  And my hat was way too cute to be Ozzy-ie.
So choose your name carefully!  Consider the following.
1. Is it easy to remember?  If you want return customers, they have to know your name.
2. Is it too common?  Google it.  I thought about naming my yarn shop a bee-related name.  Nope.  I googled it.  There are a LOT of little spinning bees out there, I guess!  I have a fiber shop I like to shop from and I know it has something about kitty in the name.  It takes me forever to find that shop to make a purchase, so sometimes they miss out on my business.  Choose a name that's unique.
3.  Is it flexible?  Lets be honest, a lot of us creative folks like to hop from thing to thing.  Make sure your brand can take the creative flex!  Don't start from scratch every time you try a new thing.